
How can the flexible food coach help you?

I have just a few simple goals.  By promoting healthy eating, I plan to:

Support you in your journey.
Encourage you when your will power is being tested.
Celebrate your successes with you.
Educate you so that you can maintain healthy eating WITHOUT me.

I will be the shoulder you can lean on to guide you through the difficult process of changing your usual habits and developing new, healthier ones.  I will provide you with the information and the confidence that you need to be able to adjust your diet on your own and maintain a healthy lifestyle without me, however long that may take.

What is flexible dieting?

Flexible dieting is simply a way of eating to meet your goals.  It is flexible!  We can modify how and what we eat if we want to lose weight, gain muscle, stay at the same weight, if our body prefers more carbohydrates or more fat, etc.  Flexible dieting is NOT a “diet” in terms of only doing it to restrict calories to lose weight short term.  Once we understand the ins and outs of flexible dieting, it is a way of eating that works for us at all stages of life, in all circumstances of life, for the rest of your life.  There is no need to completely give up our favorite foods – flexible dieting can accommodate those foods in moderation!