
Who is the Flexible Food Coach?

Hello!  My name is Kristin and I am The Flexible Food Coach!  I am a wife, a mom, a teacher, and a powerlifter.  I have been a math and science teacher for more than 16 years and teaching is my passion.

My Story

I grew up very active and involved in sports and was naturally a small person.  Once I became a wife and mom, my once active lifestyle became a bit more sedentary and I began to get more and more pleasure from food.  Surgery on my ankle sidelined me even more and by the time my recovery was complete, I was more than 30 pounds overweight.  I decided to count calories to try to lose weight and I was successful!  I lost nearly 20 pounds over the course of about 5 months.  The problem was that as soon as I stopped counting the calories, I slowly began to gain the weight back again.  When I had gained back 10 of the 20 pounds that I lost, I had had enough.  Something must be done!  This is when I learned about flexible dieting and macronutrients (macros).  I implemented flexible dieting into an active lifestyle that eventually led me to powerlifting and I have lost all 30 of the pounds that I was once overweight – and I have kept it off for nearly 2 years!

This experience in grappling with my own health and wellness has sparked a passion within me to help others.  I eagerly completed a certification in nutrition and wellness so that I could be better qualified to share my knowledge and take my teaching career into a new and exciting direction.  Teaching is what I do.  I am anxious to continue teaching in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, share recipes and knowledge, and help you achieve your health goals!

My Education

I hold a bachelor’s degree from Youngstown State University in education, a master’s degree from Nova Southeastern University in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, a second master’s degree from Concordia University in Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction, and a certification as a Nutrition and Wellness Consultant from American Fitness Professionals & Associates (AFPA).